Fast Mobile Data Analysis via Excel Pivot Tables

Feb 18 By ThriveTracker

The name “Pivot Table” somehow makes it sound like it’s some advanced gizmo only reserved for the Excel wizards.  It’s actually quite the opposite.  It’s an easy, fast, yet powerful, way for marketers who are not familiar with Excel to quickly be able to analyze large amounts of data.  So, if Excel gives you a general headache overall, I promise, this will be a lot more pain free.

Mobile marketing gets bigger, more popular, and more interesting by the day.  As we get into it, we discover that there are a lot more parameters and variables to be tracked and analyzed than traditional traffic sources.  Pivot Tables should provide you with a versatile way to handle these extra columns that you have to deal with in your reports.

The sample report in the tutorial is a real report sent to me from one of our subscribers today.  He wanted to take a look at the report and help him drill down and optimize conversion rates for his campaign using Pivot Tables.  The report used is from his Neverblue account.

While you may track your data a lot differently, I hope you still learn from this video and apply the methods to all your data tables.  This tutorial only teaches the basics of analyzing data from one table.  Look out for more tutorials in the future for data analysis across multiple tables!  Enjoy.

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  • great video! I’m currently watching all of the tutorials you guys have put up. I like how most of the tutorials are short and simple; this makes it easy for me to follow along without being overwhelming from information overload. Thanks!

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